Category Archives: Uncategorized

Morkel De Villiers

Real Estate Fraud:

Encountering property fraud can be one of the worst experiences in your life. Knowing how to identify these scams can help your family to avoid unnecessary loss and litigation One of the oldest fraudulent practices includes the added scam of identity theft. By co-opting existing listings, clever sca...
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Morkel De Villiers

Costs of Estate Planning:

Attorneys who do more than provide clients with standard forms planning should be appropriately compensated. Most attorneys are dedicated professionals who are trained by experience to listen carefully to the facts, and provide solutions and results that give value to the client and lead to peace of...
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Morkel De Villiers

What happens after an accident:

In terms of the Road Traffic Ordinances, here is what you should do: Stop your vehicle immediately. Of course, you do not need to stop at an accident if, for example, you hit a tree and only damage your own car or injure yourself. There is a legal and, indeed, a moral obligation on you […]...
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